Transferring the Hatred of Losing

I am on ultra-competitive person. For as long as I could remember I’ve always been that way. It’s never been the winning that had a grasp over me. Winning a competition is fun and all, but to me that’s just a bonus. For me, it’s always been about the hatred of losing, the feeling of losing. I can’t stand that feeling. The thought of being defeated just irks me in a way that is hard to describe.

To me, winning is supposed to happen, losing isn’t. It’s the expectations I suppose. I never expect to lose anything that I put effort into. If there is an ounce of a losing thought in my mindset, it would mean that I didn’t truly believe I could win in the first place. And that is just a sign of failure. I can’t stand failure.

Throughout my life, I’ve encountered a number of people while playing sports. There are people who enjoy playing a game for what it is, that being just a game. They have fun doing it. The same goes for people that join a sport for the purpose of helping them to lose weight. It’s a sensible way to lose weight while having fun. But they don’t have the same mentality that I have. Those of whom that were the most competitive that I’ve known have this same mentality. They hate losing more than they enjoy winning.

I think this mentality is an advantage over people that lack this instinct. The hatred of losing forces myself to fight against failure. It is for that reason that I feel that I’ve had so much success throughout my sports life. Various numbers of championships in different sports, individual awards and successfully making others better because of the extra effort that is output stemming from this mentality show how much of a a driving force it can be.

I know that I have this inside of me, I just need to figure out how to utilize it in different parts of my life.

Currently Listening To:

Buckcherry – Crazy Bitch

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